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Naked Stage

Productions Society
No sets. No props. Just great acting.
What is Naked Stage?

While our name might imply an erotic happening, it’s the stage that’s naked, not the performers. Our performances don’t have movement, extensive lighting, sound systems or props. The stage is bare except for the actors, seated on stools, with their scripts on music stands in front of them.


Our focus is on characters and story – much like radio plays.

Notice of Naked Stage
Annual General Meeting


Members and Supporters of Surrey's Naked Stage Readers Theatre are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting on Sunday, March 23rd at 6:30 on Zoom.  The agenda and the zoom link are included here.

Naked Stage Productions Society Annual General Meeting
Sunday, March 23rd - 6:30 – 7:15 PM
Via Zoom

  1. Welcome and Call to Order

  2. Zoom meeting protocol – President Colleen McGoff Dean

  3. Adoption of Agenda

  4. Review of Minutes – 2024 AGM 

  5. Reports

  1. President - Colleen McGoff Dean

  2. Treasurer (including grant information) - Geoff Dean

  3. Vice President, Artistic Director and Producer – Kelly Thompson

  4. Square and Wix/ Tickets – Tracey Carlson

  1. Election of Officers for 2025 - 26

The Current Board members have agreed to stand for the upcoming year. Nominations will be accepted from the floor for all positions.

  1. President – Colleen McGoff Dean

  2. Vice-President and Artistic Director – Kelly Thompson

  3. Treasurer – Geoff Dean

  4. Secretary – Bridget Browning

  5. Directors-at-Large –

    • Tracey Carlson

    • Simon Challenger

    • Rebecca Harrison

    • Jennifer Georgeadis

  6. Further nominations accepted at this time

6. New Business

  1. Membership – Kelly

  2. Announcement of Proposed 2025-26 Season – Kelly

7. Adjournment
Join Zoom Meeting at

Everyone is welcome to attend; only members may vote. We look forward to seeing you on March 23rd!



Waiting in
the wings

Remaining 2024/2025 Season

April 25 and 26 at 7:30 pm and April 27 at 2:00 pm

“Murderers” by Jeffrey Hatcher

Directed by Bridget Browning

Three comic monologues about revenge, blackmail, sex, money, jealousy, justice and murder. Each tale depicts desperate passions, old wounds and cold calculations that intersect in the sundrenched world of The Riddle Key Luxury Retirement Village in Florida. Each story is a cat-and-mouse mystery featuring culprits who tell how they decided to commit the perfect crime and what tripped them up along the way.



June 6 and 7 at 7:30 pm and June 8 at 2:00 pm

"Take Down The Letters” by Sue Schleifer

Directed by Kelly Thompson

Finally ready to clean out her late husband’s closet, Lynn discovers a box of letters.  She invites her mom to accompany her on the reading journey that takes them to the 70s where they meet a confused young woman searching for freedom, love and how to live a creative life. What do the letters reveal and what will Lynn learn about herself and her own relationships?





View our first on-line presentation, The Velveteen Rabbit and check back often or sign up for our newsletter for news of upcoming shows!

"It’s community theatre with a twist. Affordable and fun,

and you see different productions that you don't see elsewhere."


C. Newton

Contact us 

See our shows at the Newton Cultural Centre
13530 72 Ave. Surrey, B.C.

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